Soft Skills On Demand: How Higher Education Can PrepareStudents To Succeed In The Marketplace

Abstract Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, business organizations have quickly adapted so that employees can work remotely, which has in turn accelerated the value employers place on particular soft skills employees exhibit – namely Agency, Adaptability, and Curiosity. This study explores how these three soft skills show up in the

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Beyond the Rhetoric: Assessing the Value of Formal Debate Inclusion in Sports Management Curriculum

Abstract There is an abundance of research found in the literature regarding student career preparation that focuses on the increasing emphasis on soft skills by future employers (Dabke, 2015; Petrone, 2018; Majid, 2019). A study by Jones et al., 2019, found that soft skills account for 85% of career

Read Full ArticleBeyond the Rhetoric: Assessing the Value of Formal Debate Inclusion in Sports Management Curriculum