Problem-based Business Education:Developing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,and Belonging Initiative Proposals

Abstract Graduate business students attending a rural university in middle America engaged in an 8-week professional development training as part of an elective Managerial Leadership course focusing on organizational change. Students were asked to research diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging issues in their careers. Then, students were encouraged to brainstorm

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The Role Of Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurship In Undergraduate Students: an HBCU Pilot Study

Abstract Entrepreneurship contributes to a diverse consumer offering. Starting a business is driven by innovation, necessity, and freedom. There is an increasing interest among undergraduate students in entrepreneurial programs. Entrepreneurship curriculum intersects with metacognitive skill development. An expanding body of knowledge examines entrepreneurial intentions and self-efficacy. Using Bandura’s (1986) Social

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Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and the Online Classroom

Abstract A global pandemic is a global disaster. It disrupts the status-quo. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the routines of students and instructors and caused an unprecedented shift to online teaching and learning. This article argues that the shift to online classrooms can advance equity, diversity, and inclusion among learners and

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