Call for Papers

The Transnational Journal of Business (TJB) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 8th Edition of the TJB.  The theme for this Special Edition is “Celebrating Collaborative Alliances: Stronger Together“.

Throughout history, businesses and universities have relied upon each other to help them reach their goals and fulfill their respective missions. As the poet John Donne famously said, “No man is an island.” In fact, most successful ventures depend on external support and collaboration. This is perhaps more true today than at any time throughout our history. High Schools, 2-Year Colleges, and 4-Year Colleges and Universities are partnering to improve educational offerings by collaborating with business and industry to better prepare the workforce. The TJB Volume 8 theme, which is also the ACBSP Conference ’22 theme, is focused on strategic collaborations both in the business sector and in the higher-ed industry where such alliances have proven so valuable.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 24. 

For more information or questions, contact the Editor at (570) 408-4714 or e-mail